An effective CTA (Call to Action) is the difference between people just visiting your site and you converting them to paying customers. We all click on CTAs – sometimes without even realising it. Whether it’s the “Buy Now” when ordering our favourite takeaway or “Add To Basket” when browsing new clothes. CTAs are what actually make you do something on a website.

But whilst they’re one of the most important things on your website they’re also something we see people doing incorrectly all the time. So, why do CTAs matter so much and how can you make them compelling?

As a trusted web development agency in Melbourne, we’ve got all the answers so you know you’re getting a website that doesn’t just look pretty, but that has user behaviour at the core of its design.


What Is A CTA Exactly?

A Call To Action can be in many different forms but the function is always the same – to get visitors to take action on your website. That may be getting them to buy something, subscribe to your newsletter, submit a form or get in contact with you.

CTAs, when designed and placed correctly, are a way for you to guide your visitors through your website to a desired goal, such as contacting you for a quote or directly buying your product.

But web design has moved on a lot from the big, red, flashing box at the top of the screen saying BUY NOW. Visitors don’t like to be confronted with what they’re ‘supposed’ to do. Subtle, clear, and well-designed CTAs are much more effective than anything that flashes or sparkles.

What is a Call to Action


7 Tips To Get Your CTAs to Convert

One of the things that we nearly always have to improve in a website redesign is the position and design of the Call to Action. We often see generic, miss-placed CTAs that are not working and not making anyone take action on the website.

Luckily, however, there are a couple of things that experienced web developers can do to make CTAs pop, whilst not adding any sparkle.


#1 Write Compelling Copy

At Elevate Websites, we work closely with our team of copywriters to ensure that the web design is supported by clear and effective copy. Even the smallest changes can make all the difference to someone clicking on a CTA or not.

Make sure you clearly state exactly what the customer will get by clicking on the CTA and get creative with the language you use. Rather than more generic phrases such as ‘Start Here’ or ‘Register’, try using the first person in your CTAs instead. These could be ‘Create My Account’, ‘Show Me More’ or ‘Start My Free Trial’.

By using the first person you create a sense of urgency that people can relate to. They can also imagine themselves signing up to your website, contacting you or buying your product.

It’s also important to use action words in your CTAs. These are much more persuasive and clearly tell people what they need to do or what they’ll be getting when they click on it. Examples are ‘Download Form’, ‘Create My Profile’ or “Compare Prices’.


#2 Make Your Call To Action Clear

People love to know exactly what they’re getting by clicking on a CTA. Try to give that to them. For example, rather than having a CTA that says ‘Submit’, have one that says ‘Book My Appointment’. It’s clearer and people feel more confident in what they’re doing or getting.

Generally speaking, try to use a maximum of 3 words on a CTA (although there are some cases when it can be longer). This makes them clearer and easier for visitors to read. When something is clear, people are more likely to convert to paying customers.


#3 Think About Position

The position of a Call To Action is really important. You want to put your main CTA somewhere that’s easily accessible – which is typically at the top right-hand side. However, if the page has a lot of content and visitors are encouraged to scroll, you’ll want to pepper the CTA throughout the page so they don’t have to scroll back up to the top.

Remember, website users are lazy when it comes to searching for information! A good web development agency will know this, and place your website’s Call To Actions in the best possible position. This will make the overall customer experience much better which will make visitors trust your brand and buy your services or products.

Some ideas to think about when it comes to Call To Action positions are:

  • Above the fold. Having a CTA above the fold means visitors don’t have to scroll to find what they’re looking for.
  • In the navigation bar. Making use of the navigation bar can be a great way to add an extra, non-intrusive CTA to your site. Adding a “Get Started” can be effective and help with successful navigation.
  • The sidebar. You can creatively use the space at the side of your website to add extra CTAs for newsletters or contact us forms.
  • At the bottom of the page. If your website visitor is still with you by the end of the page, the chances are they’re engaging with your content and are interested in your business. Take advantage of that by placing a CTA for them to follow.

Web Development Agency Docklands


#4 Make Your CTA Clickable

It’s not just the copy and position of your CTA that’s important. The design is too. You want to make the CTA eye-catching and clearly visible but not ‘in your face’. The best website designers in Melbourne will be able to design effective and compelling CTAs that take colour, size and font into account.

The first impression your website makes is really important, and you want it to be attractive, professional and easy to navigate – which well-designed CTAs can do.

Some things to think about are:

  • Using contrasting colours. An experienced designer will be able to offer an attractive colour palette that matches your business and industry.
  • Use bright colours. Would you click on a CTA that’s sludge brown? Probably not. Try to use bright CTA colours such as red, orange, green and yellow.
  • Choose the correct size. You want your CTA to stand out, but it also can’t take up too much space on a page. A designer can help to create balance on your website so CTAs are clear but not overpowering.


#5 Make Use of White Space

When it comes to website design, white space can be really effective. Especially if you want an area to pop or contrast more. Leaving white space around a CTA is a great way for people to notice it and make it more engaging. Using white space creates a calm and attractive website which improves the user experience.


#6 Less Is More

This ties in with ensuring your CTAs are clear. Don’t bombard your visitors with more than one CTA at a time. For instance, you don’t want there to be a CTA that says “Contact Us’ close to a one that says “Submit Form”. Evaluating the information and comparing them with one another can be tricky for visitors wanting a clear and precise answer.

Those that don’t understand or get the information they’re looking for quickly, are more likely to bounce to another website.

Think about the most important action you want your visitors to take and aim your CTA at that.


#7 Test It!

A great way to test whether your CTAs are working is with AB testing. A web development agency will be able to run tests with different copy, colours and placements, to see which works best for your company and website. After all, there’s no one strict rule when it comes to web design and what will be most productive for your visitors and industry.

Improve your website with effective Call to Actions


Ready to Make Your Call To Actions Convert?

Using CTAs on your website can be difficult. You want them to be eye-catching but not too over the top. Perfectly placed but not too many of them. And it’s important that they clearly tell your visitor what will happen when they click on them.

As a professional web development agency in Melbourne, we understand how important it is to combine design and copy so that your CTAs lead people to take action on your website. We take the time to understand your business and industry and will design a website that perfectly suits your needs. Get in touch with the team at Elevate Websites if you’d like to discuss a website re-design or you’re looking for a brand new website.